Thursday, October 02, 2003

ok well, shit has hit the fan, yall knew that anyways.

not talking to people, at last count it was 4. altho only 1 of them bothers me. and it aint nat shannon or siobhan

Annual was craptastic, the upside was thursday, a whole day at the range, we got there at 9, and left at 5. I wish i could swap people from my unit with people from other units, people from other units are so much cooler than people at my unit, unless theyre the SASSY kids from annual 01... albury... dont EVER go there, damn those people suck. a Rednut with a bowlcut, a dopey lookin kid with braces and coke bottle glasses and a female lieutennant with a beard. anyways, as yall know, i shot a 74mm grouping at 100m with 20 rounds and 25km/h winds. Thats not that impressive in my opinion, however it impressed some infantry guys so it cant be too bad.

speaking of infantry, ive been thinking about joining it part time at first, then maybe full time or maybe just full time straight up. Personally i dont like the idea of living at the base, pucka it a craphole, seriously, theres 1000 pieces of kangaroo shit for every person in australia. even where you live, the grass is covered in kangaroo shit. im sorry, but leopard crawling thru shit isnt my ideal. However shooting shit is.

Umm, god dammit, i hate parents, they suck so much sometimes, ITS MYYYYYY TURN is wat i hear, then she comes out here and stands by me, which she knows pisses me off cause she reads what i type to you people. so then i crack the shits and apparently according to her its because im selfish.... MAYBE ITS CAUSE UR A DICK HEAD, WOMAN.

anyway, bye

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