Thursday, February 28, 2008


If there is a god...

He has it in for me something shocking.

The other day i called up vicroads with the intent of unregistering my falcon and registering my other shit car.

but no...

Ofcourse not.

Here i am talking to the man on the phone explaining what i want to do and he tells me i need a viv.

That the fuck is a viv...

a viv is Vehicle Identification Verification...

Basically... its to check if a vehicle is 100% what its meant to be.

Sorry for the abundance of lines...

As it turns out, my car was a statutory write off in 2001, its been smashed, bad enough for the insurance to not want to fix a 1 year old car.

The guy who bought it smashed it in new south wales somewhere, and fixed it up and sold it, and now, because i let the car run out of registration and the law has changed, i need this VIV to make vicroads happy that my car is fixed to a safe and satisfactory level.

That would be fine, if it wasnt for the fact that the guy who needs to look at my car costs $400+ to do so and there is no guarantee he will let it on the road, and if he doesnt, i can fix the problem he finds, and then pay another $400+ for the thieving motherfucker to look at it again.

So, not only have i bought a lemon, ive bought a smashed fucking lemon, like the sort we launched at the fence at steves when we built the lemon launcher. For those who cant remember that, here is a picture.

Im still keeping it, im not wasing that much fucking money and selling my lump of shit to someone else.

Oh, theres also the possibility of the car being a cut and shut, thats 2 cars welded together to make one, and if that be the case, i lose it all...

I need to start getting my happiness from other peoples lives, cause appart from my lovely girlfriend, there aint much else.

I have to endure 5 people i know go on overseas holidays while i sit and suffer with my cunt of a car, i have a job that is ok, but 2 and a half hours of traffic per day and only $34000 a year doesnt really excite me, and i have no food.

Oh and to top it all off, the fuckwit i bought my engine from a week ago, still hasnt sent the fucking thing, so now i hav to wait another week or 2 to get my unregisterable, unroadworthy, bi-car fixed, and when it is, i still cant drive it.

i need another beer, this one ran down my throat in fear of being spilt.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I hate you with the fire of one thousand suns.

As some of you know the rex engine is dead. 100% non salvageable dead.

Scrap steel at the most...

We think it was fucked when i bought it, and all this fucking around with it made it worse, and then sitting around for 6 fucking months has killed it more.

Basically there was metal in the oil which circulated thru the engine bay and fucked out everything.


Ive found an engine on ebay and hope to buy it tomorrow, theres also a clutch i will buy too.

Not cheap...

I want my $3100 back.

I would like to thank my gorgeous girlfriend nattyG who, very very kindly offered to pay for what i need to get the car fixed, your generosity among other things just goes to show how fantastic you are.

If all goes well, the blue wonder should be back on the road by the time chris and scott go on holiday.

*crosses everything*

Oh, and in other news, i finally moved into the LCD age lol. No more CRT for me. Thanks again nat :)

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