Friday, May 28, 2004


Here is a cup of you can see it is empty.

The highlight of my day was watching the EFTPOS lady install the system.

The other anthony, was givin me the shits all day, i think he actually looked for something to tell me off for.

Man, the pub was cool, so much funny buggers.

stupid work, took $50 out of my pay for some stupid reason.

so, hows the weather, its pretty fucked for the last 2 days, rain, sun, cloud, repete.

I need new clothes (omg really!?! you say) the old ones are beginiing to fade, and well, theyre old. But i sooooo hate clothes shopping, ill have to go out with someone who has taste in clothes one day, sorry erin :P ill end up like a hobo, minus the cool knife.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Filthy, But genuinely arousing

  • I want this!

  • or

  • There's nothing hotter than two chicks making out, unless it's two chicks making out while they're on fire. [Not my quote]

  • Warning: Sharp objects should be kept away from soft skin.

    Last week i cut my knuckle on the glad wrap cutter, today i did it again in exactly the same spot, then 20 mins later cut my ring finger 3 times at the same time. Stupid tomato slicer. Bloody thing spouted blood like olde faithfull. The glove i had on at the time was full of blood, so i put on 2 band aids and squeezed the end to make it stick and blood came dribbling out of it, was kinda cool, for some reason i had been waiting to be cut for the whole day. Infact it was almost the best part of the day... i actually wanted the chip box to cut my arm, just cause it would be cool...

    anywho enuff of my crap, its time to do stuff so i can go out later with yall :)

    Tuesday, May 25, 2004


    What a Coinkidink.

    Well, no '1337 / l33t' background, and no annoyingly bright font or colors.

    Just a clean lookin blog. i still dont like it tho.

    Many thanks to jason for fixing up what was fucked.

    So, amy, what happened to going to the pub tonite for cheap beer eh>?! i ask you that.

    Last nite of tafe tonite, dunno what im gonna do now, do i get my P's then attempt the tests while the info is still fresh in my mind, or do i go for the tests and then if im successful go for my p's, or do i wait a while, i mean, as ive said the chances of me getting in at 18 are slim. Bastards.

    Site of the whenever the next time i have a cool site is:
  • Ball Bearing Motor

  • I wanna do it just to see the sparks and pvc melt.

    How to speak New Zealand Mark as unread

    Say out loud for full effect.

    Milburn - capital of Victoria
    Peck - to fill a suitcase
    Pissed aside - chemical which kills insects
    Pigs - for hanging out washing with
    Pump - to act as agent for prostitute
    Pug - large animal with a curly tail
    Nin tin dough - computer game
    Munner stroney - soup
    Min - male of the species
    Mess Kara - eye makeup
    McKennock - person who fixes cars
    Mere - Mayor
    Leather - foam produced from soap
    Lift - departed
    Kiri Pecker - famous Australian businessman
    Kittle crusps - potato chips
    Ken's - Cairns
    Jumbo - pet name for someone called Jim
    Jungle Bills - Christmas carol
    Inner me - enemy
    Guess - vapour
    Fush - marine creatures
    Fitter cheney - type of pasta
    Ever cardeau - avocado
    Fear hear - blonde
    Ear - mix of nitrogen and oxygen
    Ear roebucks - exercise at the gym
    Duffy cult - not easy
    Amejen - visualise
    Day old chuck - very young poultry
    Bug hut - popular recording
    Bun button - been bitten by insect
    Beard - a place to sleep
    Sucks Peck - Half a dozen beers
    Ear New Zulland - an extinct airline
    Beers - large savage animals found in U.S. forests
    Veerjun - mythical New Zealand maiden
    One Doze - well known computer program
    Brudge - structure spanning a stream
    Sex - one less than sivven
    Tin - one more than nine
    Iggs Ecktly - Precisely
    Earplane - large flying machine
    Beggage Chucken - place to leave your suitcase at the earport
    Sivven Sucks Sivven - large Boeing aircraft
    Sivven Four Sivven - larger Boeing aircraft
    Cuds - children
    Pits - domestic animals
    Cuttin - baby cat
    Munce - usually served on toast

    Wednesday, May 19, 2004


    Money makes the bank account usefull.

    Well im working full time, so i get weekends off (Y) but i also have to work mondays (N) (erin knows why thats bad)

    I get $10.01 atm, cos im on casual for a month, but then it goes to like $8 something, thats fucking pathetic, if fuckers would employ me i'd look for a better job, cos $8 an hour is just homo.

    Nike pays its sweat shop kids more money than that (ok so maybe not but its almost slave fuckin labour.) i could pick up more money off the ground than what they pay me.


    My feet hurt, and im tired, on the upside my sleeping pattern is stable sorta... no matter how tired i am, when i go to bed im suddenly full of life...

    Nothin better than a quad cheeseburger, some dude ordered a double cheeseburger with 2 extra meat, which means 2 extra cheese, he also asked for bacon, so he had a quad cheeseburger with bacon.

    some people order strange things, like steve, a guy asked for a griled chicken (ranch sauce, lettuce, tomato, chicken) minus the tomato, and ranch sauce, add mayo, and pickles. CMON what the hell sorta burger is that...

    I made my own lunch tooday, Grilled chicken burger, Extra ranch sauce, extra lettuce and no tomato. With Fresh chippies. and a free drink, a get free drinks, (Y)(Y)(Y) was sooo gooooood.

    Im working 40 hour weeks, or, 37.5 if u take out breaks, 8-4, i hope i get over this tiredness stuff cause it would be good to go out at nite sometimes.

    Must be a good job being a HJ manager, one has a BA XR6, another has a MX5, and another has a WRX with ski rack on the roof.

    Altho then theres anthony and robbie who both own VN commonwhores, and i wouldnt put it past them if they were both gay too, altho anthony is reasonably cool, robbie is a twat.

    100 degree oil burns, i dont like it, mehehe the tomato slicer is bloody sharp, its got like 10 blades in it that slice thru tomatoes like... a soldering iron thru an eyeball.

    stupid coke, i was fiddling with the relays n stuff that make the coke come out of the machine and they put the one for water on the left, and the one for syrup on the right, behind a plastic wall so u cant press it :<

    I wanna thieve a box of onion rings and nuggets, 700 nuggets (696 actually) would be awesome, altho im sure all the chickens / other animals that died to be turned into them would dissagree.

    The ONLY upside to going to work at 8am is i get to see the black lamborghini diablo that goes past at about that time, number plate, BLKLAM, jeez even a blind person could see that. The dude that drives it is some old bald guy, too bad i dont have a sister cause id push her out infront of the car just to get him to stop, and maybe he would fancy her, that would own.

    enough crap.

    Monday, May 17, 2004

    ok, i hope this workin thing dont keep up, 8 hours a day, least its morning shift, altho, it fucks ye over for the nite tho, but i hope after a week or so ill be used to it.

    after the pool hall on sunday, scott took us home as ye know, what you prolly dont know, is he killed a cat, least we suspect, he hit it pretty hard, and it went thud, and when we looked back it was still in the middle of the road but it was running back and forward in prolly unimagineable pain. He didnt go back to see how it was, but on the upside, we think there was 2 cats, so, he only his half of the possible road kill.

    Wednesday, May 05, 2004

    Ok, this is quite possibly the worst blog in the world.

    and due to the background pic, i reserve the right to 741k 1ik3 7h15, or lik i r am dubm fukc / poolihs.

    [State The Obvious] Ive changed things [/State the obvious]

    Now instead of a blog it looks like a crappy webpage made by a n00b. (funny that)

    Ofcourse with some much needed tinkering from jason itll maybe look good. Boredom really does make you do some strange things.

    Also i think ill get rid of the atari headder... its old now

    Monday, May 03, 2004


    yo Nigga.

    your fuck.

    Your the slang word nigga. everyone and everything
    is one. please use carefully!

    Which slang word r u?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Aryan Bear
    Aryan Bear

    Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You'd carve them up with your chainsaw. I like your
    style, you show much promise. Join me?

    You are Windows 95.  You look better than your older brother, but your communication skills are still lacking.  You start well, but often zone out.
    Which OS are You?

    [Evil Laugh] MUahahahahahah [/Evil Laugh]

    Top 11 Yo Momma Insults for Coders

    11. Yo momma's so crazy, she makes pi look rational.
    10. Yo momma's so annoying, she made Clippy try to turn itself off.
    9. Yo momma's so fat, she has to share resources with herself.
    8. Yo momma's so insecure, she makes an unpatched copy of Microsoft IIS look like Fort Knox.
    7. Yo momma's so stupid, she leaves possible buffer overruns in a "Hello World" application.
    6. Yo momma's so boring, she makes debugging Prolog seem fun.
    5. Yo momma's so fat, she uses FAT256.
    4. Yo momma's code is so bloated, she makes assembly look like C.
    3. Yo momma's so fat, she uses C++++.
    2. Yo momma's so flea-ridden, she has more bugs than Tribes 2.
    1. Yo momma's so ugly, she makes custom regex engines in perl look beautiful.

    Top 11 Yo Momma Insults for Coders Part II
    submitted by C.T. TruLove

    11. Yo momma is so out there, she can't get high speed.
    10. Yo momma is so bloated, in Redmond they just call her "The Template".
    9. Yo momma is so dumb she oughtta be called Yo Momma SX.
    8. Yo momma is so lost, Google can't find her.
    7. Yo momma's so cheap she charges for a demo.
    6. Yo momma's butt's so wide, she makes SCSI III RAIDs jealous.
    5. Yo momma's butt's so wide, she needs a 64-bit bus.
    4. Yo momma's so ugly, she makes me pine for old FrontPage code.
    3. Yo momma's so dumb, she's a DEC Terminal.
    2. Yo momma's so slow, someone should pencil in her L1 Bridges.
    1. Yo momma's so used you can buy her on E-Bay.

    Top 11 Geek Euphemisms for Masturbation

    11. Killing the pop-up
    10. Hoping the webcam is off
    9. Recalibrating the joystick
    8. Reallocating the DNA
    7. Inserting a card into the HAND bus
    6. Banging the space bar
    5. Performing diagnostics on the hard drive
    4. Commanding the prompt
    3. Meeting Mr. Stickykeys
    2. Cleaning the lightsaber
    1. Lefthanded mousing

    Top 11 Items on Osama's Christmas List

    11. My First Chemist's Weapon of Mass Destruction.
    10. My Pretty Pony Glue Factory
    9. Fisher Price Particle Accelerator
    8. Mountain Mike's Cave Digger Kit
    7. sandbox
    6. Ali Aibo, electronic pet camel
    5. Easy Bake Falafel Oven
    4. Sesame Street's Torture Me Bert
    3. Wham-o Exploding Frisbee
    2. Bedazzler Beard Decorator
    1. Kabul Barbie Car Bomb

    Saturday, May 01, 2004

    Welcome to KBBL, its 9 minutes past the hour, our next topic of conversation is friendship. Lets take a call, we have sean on the line, how are you sean?:

    Sean: Im bored shitless, you see, some 'friends' of mine fucked me and 2 other friends over tonite, we were meant to go to the casino as a group and go bowling at 2-3am in the morning, among other things, but, these 'friends', decided to fuck us over.

    You see, this one 'friend' said last nite, he would drive us if we gave him petrol money, but at some point during the day he decided no fuck it, ill get a lift with another friend and not inform the other friends of this, so they can be stuck at home pondering wtf is going on.

    Radio Host: I see, so in other words, yer friend is an arsehole who didnt have the decency to inform you and your other friends that he couldnt get his car and wouldnt be able to take you, and then let you find out from another 'friend' who told you it was your fault you couldnt get a lift because you didnt organise it properly? Im i correct in saying that?

    Sean: Yes, indeed you are.

    Radio Host: So even though, your 'friend' knew how much you wanted to go bowling, and he knew how much u wanted to go to crown, he didnt bother to tell you he couldnt take you.

    Sean: Yes, i just said that.

    Radio Host: Some say you could get the train in and get the bus back home, why dont you?

    Sean: Well, mister host man, why the fuck should we? Why should we spend the extra $10 or more on public transport, to get somewhere, to see arsehole people that fucked us over and think its our fault we arent there? Also what happens when we get back to Frankston, how do we get home from there? Catch a taxi... ye sure, im willing to spend another $17 on top of the $10 ive already spent on transport to get home... Remember Host man, it is not just i who will need to spend extra money to get home, and it is not just i who got fucked over.

    Radio man: oh, so who were the others.

    Sean: Well there was erin, and stephen, who both got offered the spare seat in the car

    Radio man: There was a spare seat?

    Sean: Yes, one spare seat, but niether erin or stephen would take that spot because they are reasonable enough not to fuck over the remaining two.

    Radio man: Thats pretty good of them, they must be good friends.

    Sean: Yes they must be, Infact, i might even invite them, steve and amy, and anyone else who wants to come to dinner tomorrow night at the grand, unless your name is jason or kiah, the two arseholes in this debarcle.

    Radio Man: OK sean we have to wrap it up there, i hope you sort this shit out soon.

    Radio man: Coming up next, we play a game of hide and go fuck yourself.

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