Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Well, my uncle called, he said i need to go to queensland before i can get a job, but he said when i get here, he will get me one. So its up to me when i leave.
My guess is 2-3 weeks, maybe more, who knows, i gotta see whats doin.
I want to go ASAP, but i also wanna stick around for a bit to say bye to everyone properlike. Kims coming down in 3 weeks, i wanna see her once more before i go.
All i gotta do is quit HJ's, pack, say bye and leave.
When mums in a better mood, and i can be fucked ringing my uncles ill set a date.
My guess is 2-3 weeks, maybe more, who knows, i gotta see whats doin.
I want to go ASAP, but i also wanna stick around for a bit to say bye to everyone properlike. Kims coming down in 3 weeks, i wanna see her once more before i go.
All i gotta do is quit HJ's, pack, say bye and leave.
When mums in a better mood, and i can be fucked ringing my uncles ill set a date.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Nuff said, L1 last night on 9/6/05. Sold to be closed to make way for the grand's $2,000,000 redevelopment.
I say you all come down for a drink on the last night, which is a thursday, i plan to get smashed there one last time.
as much as i complain about working 10-6, im quite saddened, that place has been paying for my car, now what do i do?
Friday, May 20, 2005
Uneventfull night number 34439856499
Started at l1 at 1030, found $40, watched some dudes throw a chlorine bomb out a car window, it flared up real well, we closed at 315, and i was out by 430.
Almost scored a new phone, but i left it sit for 5 minutes cause there was 2 guys sitting near it, then some dude took it, prolly was his cause there was a pack of smokes next to it and he took them too.
Ok, i know amys appendix was taken out, and all seems to be well, but she has an infection, now, this might be because shes just had surgery, but it could also be those fuckwits at frankston hospital, Now my nanny, had things called stents in/on her kidneys, she went in to get these stents replaced cause they only last so long, and they got infected, so her kidneys packed up and she was sent to hospital, she then got out of hospital, and was ok for about 2 weeks, the infection came back because they left a hole open in her stomach and it started leaking urine from her kidneys to into her stomach, now that infection lead to all the other shit that went wrong with her, except for the gangrene, she WAS getting better, she was almost ready to be sent home, but then they told us she has gangrene, caused prolly by the infection/s. Now shes dead. Because they were fucking careless, frankston hospital is to blame for my nannys death, but there aint fuck all we can do. Now aside from this, amy has an infection after surgery (much the same surgery my nanny had, keyhole surgery) while amys infection might not kill her, its an infection. Christy at work said when she had her daughter (yes yes shes only 20 i know...) she also got sick after being in frankston fucking hospital.
3 people getting sick from 3 different things at frankston hospital. Id rather die than have them look after me. If i ever crash my car or get shot or beat up to a pulp or something that i have to be taken to hospital for, make sure i dont go to frankston, send me somewhere people dont go in to get sick/er.
Smirnoff double black and BBQ Sauce smiths go down really well at 5.20am. Its too early to sleep.
P.S. While not as cool as those other time things, like 02:02 02/02/02, 05:05 5/5/05 etc... Its 5:20 05/20/2005 (ok so thats the american way, but shhh)
Started at l1 at 1030, found $40, watched some dudes throw a chlorine bomb out a car window, it flared up real well, we closed at 315, and i was out by 430.
Almost scored a new phone, but i left it sit for 5 minutes cause there was 2 guys sitting near it, then some dude took it, prolly was his cause there was a pack of smokes next to it and he took them too.
Ok, i know amys appendix was taken out, and all seems to be well, but she has an infection, now, this might be because shes just had surgery, but it could also be those fuckwits at frankston hospital, Now my nanny, had things called stents in/on her kidneys, she went in to get these stents replaced cause they only last so long, and they got infected, so her kidneys packed up and she was sent to hospital, she then got out of hospital, and was ok for about 2 weeks, the infection came back because they left a hole open in her stomach and it started leaking urine from her kidneys to into her stomach, now that infection lead to all the other shit that went wrong with her, except for the gangrene, she WAS getting better, she was almost ready to be sent home, but then they told us she has gangrene, caused prolly by the infection/s. Now shes dead. Because they were fucking careless, frankston hospital is to blame for my nannys death, but there aint fuck all we can do. Now aside from this, amy has an infection after surgery (much the same surgery my nanny had, keyhole surgery) while amys infection might not kill her, its an infection. Christy at work said when she had her daughter (yes yes shes only 20 i know...) she also got sick after being in frankston fucking hospital.
3 people getting sick from 3 different things at frankston hospital. Id rather die than have them look after me. If i ever crash my car or get shot or beat up to a pulp or something that i have to be taken to hospital for, make sure i dont go to frankston, send me somewhere people dont go in to get sick/er.
Smirnoff double black and BBQ Sauce smiths go down really well at 5.20am. Its too early to sleep.
P.S. While not as cool as those other time things, like 02:02 02/02/02, 05:05 5/5/05 etc... Its 5:20 05/20/2005 (ok so thats the american way, but shhh)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Stolen from Panda, Stolen from erin.
1) Using band names, spell out your name.
S = slipknot
E = eminem
A = AC/DC (or alan parsons project, just for some austin powers funnyness...)
N = Nirvana
2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Sean, by the proclaimers, ok so not about me, but it was written by one of the dudes who had a son he called sean.
3) What song makes you cry?
hahah wtf sorta stupid question is that. Altho michael crawford - you are my lady will always make me sad, its what we played for nanny at her funeral.
4) What song makes you happy?
Darude - sandstorm, or Rob miles - children
5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
The sound of silence
Height: 6"1'
Hair color: dark Brown
Skin color: White
Eye color: Crappy Blue
Piercings: Cockring... no none.
Tattoos: Nope
What color pants are you wearing? Blue
What song are you listening to? 4strings - Diving
What' the weather like? Cold, bloody cold
How are you? I need to pee.
Get motion sickness? Only if spinning in circles.
Have a bad habit? Loads of them
Get along with your parents? most days
Like to drive? Yeah
TV show: TV?
Conditioner: uhh?
Book: Dont read
Non alcoholic drink: coke unless its from a machine like at HJ's then its crap
Alcoholic drink: I dont have a favourite, i have those that make me want to throw up less than others.
Thing to do on the weekend: Anything more entertaining than work or mowing
Broken the law: A few times
Ran away from home: Only queers run away from home
Ever gone skinny dipping: Yep, Oh and ez, it doesnt count if your still wearing undies.
Made a prank phone call: HAHA Yep, Is uhh Mike Crotch there? Where is Mike Crotch?
Ever tipped over a porta potty: No, but that reminds me...

Used your parents' credit card before: Nope
Skipped school before: LOADS
Fell asleep in the shower/bath:
Been in a school play: Hah, thats only for queers.
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yeah
Boyfriend/girlfriend: No (happy now?)
Current crush: Meh, how bout i crush you?!1
Had a hard time getting over someone: Sorta...
Your greatest regret: Dont have any regrets, dont believe in em.
Do you have a job: 2 infact, and they both suck more than a porn star.
Your cd player has in it right now: Well, in the DVD (yeah bought one today) dodgeball, in the car, hard nrg7, in the cd player, Hard nrg6, in the compy, random compilation. Wait... hard nrg cd ez??? mine?
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Red or blue, or some sort of cool harlequin paint color (the stuff that changes color)
What makes you happy: Blowing stuff up, breaking stuff.
Who makes you happiest: Dunno, ez i suppose... most days
What's the next cd you're going to get? Hard NRG 8 :P
When/what was the last time you cried: Erin seems to know more about me crying than i do, so ask her, from what i remember nannys funeral, feb 8th.
You got a real letter?: Who the fuck has never had a real letter? (other than people with no letterboxes :P )
You got e-mail: Today
Thing you purchased: A Country chicken burger and chips.
TV program you watched: Whole show? if so i dunno, its been so long.
Movie you saw in the theater: UHH? Anyone?
Abortion: Less unwanted feral motherfuckers roaming the streets stealing my stuff the better.
Bush: Shaved, or hitler cut, just cause its a funny name :P
Politics in general: Cant keep everyone happy, so dont try, politicians are only out for their own gain, and theyre stupid, most stupider than george dubya. IF they stopped wasting money on fireworks, sporting events, celebrations and roads, and those god awful fucking taxes, we might be able to live more comfortably.
1) Using band names, spell out your name.
S = slipknot
E = eminem
A = AC/DC (or alan parsons project, just for some austin powers funnyness...)
N = Nirvana
2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Sean, by the proclaimers, ok so not about me, but it was written by one of the dudes who had a son he called sean.
3) What song makes you cry?
hahah wtf sorta stupid question is that. Altho michael crawford - you are my lady will always make me sad, its what we played for nanny at her funeral.
4) What song makes you happy?
Darude - sandstorm, or Rob miles - children
5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
The sound of silence
Height: 6"1'
Hair color: dark Brown
Skin color: White
Eye color: Crappy Blue
Piercings: Cockring... no none.
Tattoos: Nope
What color pants are you wearing? Blue
What song are you listening to? 4strings - Diving
What' the weather like? Cold, bloody cold
How are you? I need to pee.
Get motion sickness? Only if spinning in circles.
Have a bad habit? Loads of them
Get along with your parents? most days
Like to drive? Yeah
TV show: TV?
Conditioner: uhh?
Book: Dont read
Non alcoholic drink: coke unless its from a machine like at HJ's then its crap
Alcoholic drink: I dont have a favourite, i have those that make me want to throw up less than others.
Thing to do on the weekend: Anything more entertaining than work or mowing
Broken the law: A few times
Ran away from home: Only queers run away from home
Ever gone skinny dipping: Yep, Oh and ez, it doesnt count if your still wearing undies.
Made a prank phone call: HAHA Yep, Is uhh Mike Crotch there? Where is Mike Crotch?
Ever tipped over a porta potty: No, but that reminds me...

Used your parents' credit card before: Nope
Skipped school before: LOADS
Fell asleep in the shower/bath:
Been in a school play: Hah, thats only for queers.
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yeah
Boyfriend/girlfriend: No (happy now?)
Current crush: Meh, how bout i crush you?!1
Had a hard time getting over someone: Sorta...
Your greatest regret: Dont have any regrets, dont believe in em.
Do you have a job: 2 infact, and they both suck more than a porn star.
Your cd player has in it right now: Well, in the DVD (yeah bought one today) dodgeball, in the car, hard nrg7, in the cd player, Hard nrg6, in the compy, random compilation. Wait... hard nrg cd ez??? mine?
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Red or blue, or some sort of cool harlequin paint color (the stuff that changes color)
What makes you happy: Blowing stuff up, breaking stuff.
Who makes you happiest: Dunno, ez i suppose... most days
What's the next cd you're going to get? Hard NRG 8 :P
When/what was the last time you cried: Erin seems to know more about me crying than i do, so ask her, from what i remember nannys funeral, feb 8th.
You got a real letter?: Who the fuck has never had a real letter? (other than people with no letterboxes :P )
You got e-mail: Today
Thing you purchased: A Country chicken burger and chips.
TV program you watched: Whole show? if so i dunno, its been so long.
Movie you saw in the theater: UHH? Anyone?
Abortion: Less unwanted feral motherfuckers roaming the streets stealing my stuff the better.
Bush: Shaved, or hitler cut, just cause its a funny name :P
Politics in general: Cant keep everyone happy, so dont try, politicians are only out for their own gain, and theyre stupid, most stupider than george dubya. IF they stopped wasting money on fireworks, sporting events, celebrations and roads, and those god awful fucking taxes, we might be able to live more comfortably.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Stuff that made me giggle, or something like that

Friday, May 06, 2005
Heres an update.
Now shove it up your arse.