Monday, April 27, 2009


Fuck you lebs. You filthy pig scum.

Got a call from Theft squad today. Finally.

The cop said itll never see the road again.

They say its not the car it should be and as such cannot be registered.

My options are:

1: They find out what and where it came from, in which case it goes back to insurance (minus engine)

2: They dont find out where it came from and i get to keep it, but never put it on road. (Track car, parts, bonfire)

3: Sue the bastard i bought it from who then sues the bastard he bought it from. Take the car to him and tell him i want my money back cause he sold me something that isnt what i thought i was buying, cause legally he has to tell me, since my guess is he didnt know, i should get to go to court and win, esp since i have a shitload of papers and documents. Which will be a long drawn out process, and i cant afford that unless i go to slater n gordon and sue for legal fees aswell. (Also applies to 1 and 2)

Either way the engine is mine, but the car not necessarily.

Ill prolly end up suing the guy i bought it from if i can track him, the only problem is he wont like that too much and wont be overly keen on forking out 20k to me.

Gotta wait for final word from cops yet on if they can find where it came from, i hope not.

Just another shitfull page in the story that is the subaru. Another problem i just dont need right now since everything seems to be going to shit.

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