Monday, January 12, 2004

well... UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok fo' this hyar post t'be pow'ful annoyin' (other than th' noo colo' scheme) im a-gonna haf it translated into redneck. Shet yer mouth!

On account o' mah last update..

Noo years: th' firewawks sucked balls, fo' melbourne firewawks on nye they sucked, im not talkin sucked like a straw, im talkin sucked like suckin' a go'fball thru a gardenhose. (like whut natalie does) Train was absofuckinlutley packed, full of drunkards... unfo'tunately i wasnt one of em, dawgone it. haha we sar some chick throw her guts up at th' train stashun. thet was amoosin'.

Then i went t'ballallareet, thet was intertainin' mo'e than fun, as enny fool kin plainly see... i jest sat on mah arse an' watched movies an' slepp till 12-1ish so pow'ful i c'da done it at home. but still got me away fum th' olds fo' a week. Shet yer mouth! Now im at geelong (th' suckiess place of all) wif li'l erin, as enny fool kin plainly see. ah axed her up hyar cuz she is bewdifull an' i missed her. Now.. suckiness on over i wil corntinue. We went t'th' fo'd discovery center today. Hyar is mine an' erins dream car

Th' 2003 Fo'd BA Falcon XR8 V8 Supercar. (see th' majesty radiatin' fum it.) Thar was also some other reeallly fine fo'ds thar, like th' V8 Venom Ute, o' th' bess of all Th' 1971 XY GT-HO Phase 3 Falcon, as enny fool kin plainly see.

This hyar has so much majesty th' camera decided t'leave it out... so ennyways, inuff of this hyar redneck stuff, im gwine.

Ok for this post to be really annoying (other than the new color scheme) im going to have it translated into redneck.

Since my last update..

New years: the fireworks sucked balls, for melbourne fireworks on nye they sucked, im not talkin sucked like a straw, im talkin sucked like sucking a golfball thru a gardenhose. (like what natalie does)

Train was absofuckinlutley packed, full of drunkards... unfortunately i wasnt one of em. haha we saw some chick throw her guts up at the train station. that was amusing.

Then i went to ballallarat, that was entertaining more than fun... i just sat on my arse and watched movies and slept till 12-1ish so really i coulda done it at home. but still got me away from the olds for a week.

Now im at geelong (the suckiest place of all) with little erin. I asked her up here cause she is bewdifull and i missed her. Now.. suckiness over i wil continue. We went to the ford discovery center today. Here is mine and erins dream car <......................> <......................>

The 2003 Ford BA Falcon XR8 V8 Supercar. (see the majesty radiating from it.)

There was also some other reeallly good fords there, like the V8 Venom Ute, or the best of all

The 1971 XY GT-HO Phase 3 Falcon.


This has so much majesty the camera decided to leave it out...

so anyways, enuff of this redneck stuff, im going.

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