Monday, March 01, 2004


Ugly women who travel on busses.

What is up with these women with large amounts of facial hair. Seriously, dont they look in the mirror, or do they see it but ignore it? Women are not meant to have facial hair, men have facial hair (altho stupid looking and annoying at times) but women do not. This women on the bus today had more hair on her face than i did and i aint shaved for... atleast 4 days. but she only had like 50 odd strands of it (guessing) and it was black. Like miss abreu a school, except only on her chins. I say chins because she wasnt a small woman, nor was she an attractive woman, which gets me on my next point. HOW TEH HELL DO THESE PEOPLE BREED. This woman has 2 kids, one of which looks like her mother and will no doubt be as ugly and fat as her mother given a few years, and the other one wasnt on the bus. Either the dude was really fucked up in the head (aparently she only got divorced from her husband in january, i was eavesdropping on their conversation which sounded like it had an IQ of 3) or he was really really sick. I would rather cut off my dick than stick it in a woman that damn ugly, this woman shoulda been locked up in a cage and had tourist groups visiting her. I know ugliness isnt her fault, but facial hair non removal is dammit. HOW CAN THEY NOT GET RID OF IT.

My new ramble, is about busses, some of you people might feel my pain, i know steve will. (if ofcourse he reads this) Bus seats are too close to eachother, they are spaced for people of a height of no greater than 5'11. If you are more than this height you must either, stand, or sit sideways, taking up 2 seats, in which you get looks from people who are just thinking about how much of a selfish bastard you are, so ofcourse you squish into this little space they leave just to let the arsehole sit down. You then have your knees in the back of the chair infront and are kneeing the person in that chair in the back, so every time you move you rock them, which we all know is annoying when done to us. Bus manufacturers need to make their busses for taller people. They are getting better, decent air con, lower floors, more comfy seats, but no leg room. Fix it dammit, my knees are screwed as it is i dont need bus seats makin it worse. Another ramble on the height issue, whats with these busses where the headspace gets to like 5'10 or less, you know the ones where to sit at the back you must crouch down (for the taller of us, midgets do not have such problems) Pain in the arse busses with no head or leg room.

Yet another topic, Cars, the horror of catching a bus is starting to annoy me, hairy faced women, stupid 14 year olds talking about how much piss they had last nite and how they feel like more now, loudenuff so the whole bus can hear it, old people who take 20 bloody minutes to get on and off the bus, people with prams, people who give u looks and make u get up so they can selfishly sit down, pines rats, wogs, and officeworks employees are overwelming to most of us (unless ofcourse you fit into one of these generalisations.) I want a car, i hate busses, taking an hour to get a bus home is a bitch. Why do asshole people always have cars. I saw gavin lewandowski drivin his piece of shit holden past me at the bus stop at the hub today, it made me ponder, why does that arsehole, who dropped out of school half way thru year 11, to become a mechanic with no future get a fuckin car, while i or all ye other people without cars are made to catch second rate public transport with the scum of the world. No offence to those who have cars, im sure your parents enjoyed saving up to pay for it. And if they didnt, i dunno where the fuck ye got yer money from, cause none of you lazy pricks work.

Fuck you P platers.

Life is becoming busy at the moment, it wont last, this is my 'list of events' untill the 21st march. [subject to change]

24-Feb Flannys with mick n chantell
25-Feb reserve training
26-Feb cadets
28-Feb Training weegend
29-Feb Training weegend
3-Mar reserve training
4-Mar cadets
5-Mar Gp [prolly wont be going]
6-Mar Gp
7-Mar Gp
9-Mar Police tafe course starts
10-Mar reserve training
11-Mar First aid course starts
12-Mar reserve weekend
13-Mar reserve weekend
14-Mar reserve weekend
16-Mar Police tafe course
18-Mar First aid course
20-Mar Ballarat [prolyl wont happen]
21-Mar Ballarat

reserve training, i have the reserve weekend coming up, we go to cerberus, walk around with rifles do contact drills (rules of engagement and stuff (lots of fun)) and field formations, and teamwork things (like falling backwards off a meter and half high platform, to be caught by rest of section. and the MUD RUN, its a 1k long treck thru a giant puddle of mud, at times can be 1.5-1.7 meters high (NOT made for midgets) theres more pairs of shoes been lost in that run than what there is in speeds. We must take an ammo box (ammo was for 155mm Howitzers) and they place an egg in it, and we must have the egg in tact by the end of the run. You get sooooo friggin dirty it aint funny.

Training weekend, that was kinda craptastic, it was meant to be a day at Cerberus at the ropes crossing at the pool they have, but it got cancelled for some reason, so we did an in house training weekend, i was not ever at any time meant to be staying at cerberus for the weekend, whoever made that up musta been smokin something good.

I asked shannon to get me tickets to the GP but i asked her today about whats goin on and she said she hasnt asked her mum and her mum aint talking to her, but shes going to see her mum tonite and she will try work her magic. I dont have my hopes up on going but ill be dissapointed if she fails me, cause i wanna go, plus i cant go to the motor show due to lack of interest by you bastards, cept maybe erin, but shes tied up with tafe and cant go, spiess works 5 days a week and im busy on the weekends.

Police tafe course, its not called that, i dunno what its called, but it better bloody be usefull in gettin me into the cops, i need to get into the cops to start earning some money to get me a fuckin car.

First aid course, self explanitory.

Ballarat, shannon wants me and mick to go to ballarat and go out with her mates, (steve too, but sorry steve too young :'( ) this prolly wont happen due to mick having basketball on friday and sunday, so saturday is out because basketball is in the morning and we cant get back from ballarat at 7am...

im peeling like a mofo, today i got erin to come outside and scratch me to remove the dead skin off my back and front, it was quite sick... bits of skin were floating off into the distance, had some keepers too. And as i saw when i got home, my bed is full of skin flakes... so im going to have to vacuum it, and change it when i stop peeling. ew

File sharing, kazaa sucks donkey balls, i dunno whats going on but when i download songs lately they fuck up something shocking, you know they go all staticy and blippy and fucked up. its really pissing me off, copyrights suck, stop fucking up my music damn you evil music companies.

Ben is now my role model, i was quite impressed with his engineering camp beer drinking effort, heil the beer bong. The sponge award was rightly presented to him.

Time to go scratch more skin from myself.

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