Tuesday, April 06, 2004


What is work?

ill tell you what work is, its a pain in the arse.

Two days, $200 (and more to come, WOOHOO) 2000 bricks, and a fuck load of concrete render. Yesterday i had to jackhammer probably the equivalent of every wall in amys bedroom, i know yer thinking so what couldnt be that hard... well it is, its Brick with concrete render on it, and u have to be sorta carefull not to fuck the bricks over. so ye must chip off half an inch of render without fucking the bricks, while it all flies at your face, half of it was above head level so i copped a few chunks in the head too. Hard work. Today i had to pick up and move 2000+ bricks, we onl ordered 1000 but i had to relocate those a few times (due to the bricky working each time the load got less) and i did some jackhammering and sweeping too. I would honestly rather 1 day of army training over 1 day of labourer-ing, the army is more exciting and you dont have to pick up bricks, altho labourering is better cause u dont got any rank abusing you. The place im at is in toorak, apparently the dude brought the place for $750000, and well he got ripped off good, its an old run down piece of crap, but when its done itll be damn nice, they knocked out every wall in the double storey house cept 3, (btw im talking about internal walls, not the outside walls thatll stop yer house falling down (altho we knocked out 2 of them too)) And now theyre rebuilding from the inside, whoever owns the place is sparing no expence, $400 mixer tap for the shower, $400 FFS, and its minimalist, so theres fuck all to it, the whole house is minimalist from what ive seen, the basin in the dunny is all glass n round and minimal. The house has 7 different electrical lines like Pay TV, TV, Internet, Phone, and that thing that spiess has in his house with the screens n shit. in the master bedroom there are 37 electrical cords, (that includes power points and light switches.)

Toorak is full of hot cars n hot chicks, rich ones at that. Ferarri's (1) Porsches (lots and lots) BMW, Mercedes, and Volkswagen seems to be the poor rich persons car of choice, its like the torana or commodore for toorak, and quite suprisingly not many 4WDs.

Stupid erin wont reply to me, i sent her a message at 7.30 because her train went past the train station we were passing, and i messaged saying "i can see your train" and never got a reply, then when i CBF'd working at 2.30 or so i sent another one saying im havin a break, bla bla bricks, bla bla fcking hate them bla bla" and never got no reply.

If yall think me and steve are pissheads, you aint seen nothin yet. Eric drank 6 cans of haig scotch on the way home, and Grahame drank 4 mad chooks (wild turkeys) on the way home and then when at home drank a slab, yes a slab of beer. The whole slab...

Im tired, and sore, my hands are :S they gonna hurt like a bitch when i shower, cos theyre all raw n stuff. Oh well.

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