Saturday, August 14, 2004


Cats and Sept 11

Since my cat got put down ive noticed a few things, the cats round my hood are sniffing out my missy cat, theyve been beating her up and mostlikely trying to get some pussy love. When the old cat was around no cats would come near our house or near missy, cause mister would beat the crap out of em.

Just now i hear missy meow/howl so i went to the door and opened it and this white/ginger bastard cat went scooting past followed my missy wanting to come in.

Stupid cats.

Ive declared Sat Sept 11 the day we shal go lasering. Thats 28 days away. (i hope yall can save $60 odd in a month, if not say somethin and we will delay)

I saw on TV a show about people, and it said Beautiful people have a ratio of 1 / 1.168. Now lemme explain.

If you measure yourself from the floor to your belly button, then from your belly button to the top of your head, a well proportioned person will have Toes to belly = 1 and belly to head = 1.168.

Or Big tooth, and tooth next to, Your big tooth should be 1.168 times as big as the one next to it.

or your mouth to your cheekbone, underarm to fingertips - fingertips to elbow, width of head - length of head, hairline to bottom of nose - hairline to chin, fingertip to 1st knuckle, length of finger.


A well proportioned person will have all of these at 1/1.168 or close to it.

Liz Hurleys face for instance is dang near perfect to the 1/1.168 ratio. (according to the TV)

Now i dunno about you lot but i think liz hurley is pretty bloody hot.

Twould be interesting to figure it out.

The exact (not really but its long enuff to be considred by me to be exact.) number is. (mostly for steves purposes like pi)

1.61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576 28621 35448 62270 52604 62818 90244 97072 07204 18939 11374 84754 08807 53868 91752 12663 38622 23536 93179 31800 60766

Try memorise that you bastard.

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