Wednesday, August 11, 2004



Jason and i have agreed that we should go PAINTBALLIN some time, as it is AWESOME.

Paintball site

Actually paintballin is the wrong term, LASERIN is the correct term, cause lasering is cheaper and minus the pain of being hit with a paintball hitting you at 33mps.

This place is no more than a 5 minute drive from my house, infact, if i lived on a hill i could just about see the place. This is what we would like to do...

TERMINATOR" $55 2.5 hrs on all Battlefields Incl. all Laser equipment Camo overalls avail for hire $8.00 ea.
($50 for students & under 16 y.o.)

For the boys they also have nut guards (cricket boxes) but shant need them for laserin.

We were talknig about how timezone is gone and there is no more laser places near us, well there is, its al ittle more expensive but when you think, timezone was $10-$15 for 15 mins, this is $60+/- for 2.5 hours and you get to use cool weaps. (me and jason spotted M16's, FAMAS, an UZI, and some crappy russian weapon :P

I hope we can do this by mid sept, or even in the holidays, that way it gives some of ye time to save (steve!)

Paintball is twice the price and twice the pain :P ill do it but i dont think the girls would like it, unless they have one of those wierd pain fetishes.

Also jason and i have decided, me ben and himself against everyone else. (basically we think we better cause we did cadets. Even tho "I" *delberate up-oneself-tone* am the only one whose trained with the Army at combat drills.(which would get me laserd fast cause theyre really crap))

But thats what we say, we'll take you all on (we being me and jason, reply from ben is still coming, even tho he doesnt know that atm)

Anywho, leave yer feedback and ill get all excited about going then you can all decide one by one you dont want to or cant afford it like everything else we plan. (not attacking anyone btw)
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