Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ok steve, i got up on thursday at 7am, slept for 2 hours on friday at 7-9am, will now sleep again at 5am.

So thats 48 hours (from 7am thurs to sat) -2 (from 7am to 5am) -2 (sleep time) Thats 44 hours.

Now take into account i did 7.5 hours at HJ's on thursday, 6.45 hours of work at L1, (14.25 hours) and 5.45 hours of work at L1 again tonight, thats 20 hours of solid stand up work in 45 hours. (45 because i finished at 4, its now 5)

I think, that because of lack of alcohol, i had the crappier time. Also because of the fact that i had to watch assholes like you get smashed AND clean up your mess, and you had a choice, you didnt have to stay out and be a pisshead.

So basically what im trying to say, yours might be bigger, but mines longer and harder. :P

Oh and i drove channy home just now, and she didnt try anything. *Shock horror*

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