Sunday, November 05, 2006


The most important question ever, a tribute.

Actually its not an important question at all, sorry to get yall worked up.

Have i become boring?

I realised when i msged steve last night that i dont do anything these days but work and spend the rest of my time either at home or at erins.

I dont go out any more, even tho you all say aww we never do anything anymore, you do, although as a group we have become quite distanced and uninthusiastic about everything.

Back to me, have i "settled" down at all, i say "Settled" because i was never unsettled, it just seems to me these days i dont go to partys when i get asked, i dont go out unless its for a special occasion.

Whats going on lately everybody (all 2 people who'll read this) Why cant we organise a night out with eachother without everyone bailing, why cant we just say lets go to amys to watch family guy, or go for a drive, why does organising everything together have to be like organising something as big as the olympics or an event.

I know everyone has a job now, and a few of us work nights, but that still shouldnt stop us from meeting up once or twice a week to catch up, i mean i can go for weeks without seeing everyone, where we used to barely go 3 days without catching up.

And whats the go with messaging, surely when a message gets sent to everyone we can find a few seconds in our oh so busy schedule to reply "working" or something like that, it doesnt take long to type, everyone does it to everyone i know, im not exempt, but these days i try to get back and if i dont i quite often send a message later appologising.

Thatll do, i cant find the words to elabourate further.

Soiled... hehe...

And indeed it's true. Nobody can really be bothered leaving their house for something that isn't gaurunteed to be more exciting than slowly drifting off to sleep at home.

As for the messages... yes it's fucking annoying when nobody messages back at all.
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