Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Wrecking ball.

I dont know what it is at the moment, i dont know what i did, but nothing is going right for me at the mo.

Some of you have posted how great life is atm, how content you are with this or that, i can only do the opposite.

For the couple of you who dont know, i got my car back yesterday, i drove it from hallam to evans road and it died again. A Bearing on the big end of the crankshaft shot itself.

Its no biggy, only 3-4k to fix.

I just spent $3100 to drive my car 20kms. I could have hired the Hummer limo for 5 hours.

I cant borrow more from the bank, i cant borrow more from people, the only way to pay for this car and dig myself out of this mess is to quit tafe and go back to work.

Which i am.

I quit tafe today, have no other choice. Im so far up shit creek even a paddle wont help.

I smashed my phone last night, smashed the screen, musta pushed it against something sharp while it was in my pocket, screen is hammered, dont msg me, i cant read it, but most of you dont anyway.

While i was at tafe i got a parking fine, couldnt get a park in tafe so i parked on the street. another $68 down the drain.

Its ok i have plenty to spare.

The next person who tells me to sell my car and cut my losses is going to be decapitated.

Im not wasting 7 thousand dollars to sell my car to someone else. I cant afford to waste that much money.

Its so hard to be happy this year, no matter what it just doesnt get any better. There has been up sides, but theyre being out done by shit times 10 to 1.

Steve, im not coming to the pub, stop asking unless youre paying.


I'm so sorry that life has been so unfair to you this year. From our coversation the other day, I realize how pissed off you are and how upsetting the whole situation is.

I could say "chin up" or "things will get better" but if you are anything like me, when I'm upset or pissed, the last thing I wanna hear is that!!!

All I can say is that, I have sympathy for you and if I was in a position to help you out I would. They say bad things come in threes, but in your case it's more like three hundreds. :0(

Quitting Tafe must have been a hard decision, and i'm sorry that it's come to that. But I can fully understand why you have made that decision, and for what it's worth, I probably would have done the same thing. At least this way, you can start paying off some of your debts and then things will get better.

Hang in there Mate!
Sorry about you having to quit to Tafe.
Wow. That's gay.
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